1. Browse Profiles
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Discover approved barbers nearby
View their profile, pricing & portfolio
Register an account via the app
Discover approved barbers nearby
View their profile, pricing & portfolio
Select your services
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Book for right now or later
Pay for your haircut
Rate and Review
Save your barber to "Favorites"
Discover local Fadr-approved barbers and their respective shops
Draw how you want to be lined-up, upload a photo reference, and chat with your barber
Call your spot in line before walking in
Have the barber come to you for less than the uber there and back
Always get a great cut no matter where you may be due to Fadr barber approval process
Pay with Cash, Apple Pay or Paypal
Suppose you were looking for a new barber
Using traditional methods, you would search for a shop near you, using Google and Yelp. We have a developed a web application to do one
search and find shops within a specified radius of a user using the Google Places and Yelp API; it returns to you a list of results
from both Yelp and Google in which you can browse through ratings, photos, locations and reviews of barberhsops near you.
However, Fadr hopes to make this process much easier.
We'd love to connect!